The Board of Trustees is the crown entity charged with the responsibility of overseeing the operations of Mountainview High School. They act as the employer and have responsibility for setting the strategic direction of the school. This can be found by consulting the policies on the policies page and by reading the school charter.

The Board represents all stakeholders with trustees (with the exception of the student trustee) being elected every three years.
Board members are always happy for you to make contact and to share concerns or ideas.

Jenny Carter-Bolitho
Board of Trustees Chairperson
Kenny Diamond
Damian James
Board of Trustees Parent Representative
Ahmed Khalid
Board of Trustees Student Representative
Nikki Geddis
Board of Trustees Parent Representative
Alex Weatherall
Board of Trustees Staff Representative
Claire Hargest
Board of Trustees Parent Representative
Kristy Swain
Board of Trustees Secretary















Mountainview High School Strategic Plan 2025-2028



Mountainview High School Board of Trustees
Meeting Dates 2025                                                        

All meetings will begin at 6.30pm in the
Mountainview High School Board Room                                          

19 February                            19 March

21 May                                      25 June

6 August                                 3 September

29 October                             26 November

2025 BOT Meeting Minutes

19 February 2025 Agenda