Become a Host Family

Hosting an international student is a great way to bring the world to your home. Create lifelong relationships with people around the world, earn an extra income and perhaps start a worldwide network for your children’s future OE! 

If you can provide a “home away from home” for international students in New Zealand we’d love to hear from you!


Becoming a Host Family
Becoming a host family is easy. Simply fill in our inquiry form to start your journey.

Inquiry Form

  1. A member of the international team will be in touch to arrange a time to meet and together we will
    a.  work to create a profile of your family for potential students
    b.  carry out a safety check (including a Police Vetting request)
  • Your application is reviewed
  • You will be added to our community of amazing hosts!


Want to learn more?
We understand that becoming a host family can be a big decision and we hope that a lot of your initial questions are answered here.

Frequently asked questions:

What is a “homestay”?
A Homestay is an accommodation option for International students who study at our school. It’s a great opportunity for international students to improve their English and immerse themselves in our unique culture first hand.

About International students
Although there are many reasons why students from other countries study here. New Zealand’s education system is very highly regarded around the world. Students and parents often consider New Zealand to be a place where their children can have a world-class education that allows them to learn in a way that works best for them.

Students usually enrol when they are 13 – 16 years old and stay with us for 3 – 5 years.

What’s involved in being a homestay?
Students are looking to have an authentic kiwi experience in an English speaking home. Most importantly students want to feel genuinely welcomed as a new member of your family.

Like any young member of a family, ensuring student’s safety and wellbeing is the most important part of being a homestay. Students also need to:

  • have their own room with a bed, desk and space to store their belongings
  • have bed linen (sheets, pillow, and blankets) and towels
  • adequate heating during the winter
  • be provided with meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks)

Expectations of students
In general, students are expected to behave just like any other member of your family.
They should:

  • be polite and respectful
  • keep their room clean
  • lend a hand with household chores
  • let you know and seek permission for social activities

Why New Zealand?
New Zealand is an attractive study destination for overseas students. Our education system is regarded as one where students will receive a world-class personalised learning experience, learn to ask questions and think critically.

Kiwis have a reputation for friendliness and progressive thinking. Families who can help students realise these impressions are what we need.

New Zealand is seen as a safe destination and a place of great beauty. Families are sure to revel in being able to showcase what New Zealand has to offer visitors.

How are students allocated?
When students apply to the school, they submit a homestay letter where they tell us about themselves and outline their ideal host family. We use this along with other information from their application and your family profile to make what we hope, will be a great fit for you and the student.

Our preferred maximum allocation is two students per host family. To preserve the student experience, we avoid placing students of the same ethnicity in the same home, we also work to avoid placing male and female students together.

When do students arrive?
Although students can arrive at any time during the year, our largest student intakes are in February and July.

Can I specify the type of student I want to host?
Yes, both in the initial creation of your profile and as you gain more experience hosting we can refine the type of students that works best for you.

What if an allocation doesn’t work?
We will always be in close contact with you and students during their stay. Generally, we find that if issues are addressed while they are small, relationships work out. However, if there is an irrevocable problem, we will work to relocate the student.

Families receive a $300  weekly payment for hosting a student, set to increase to $320 in 2025.